Saturday, July 20, 2013

Официальный курс валют в Украине на 03.02.2011

Официальные курсы гривны к иностранным валютам, установленные Национальным банком Украины с 03.02.2011, составляют:

100USD - 794.1700 UAH (+)

100EUR - 1096.1929 UAH (+)

10RUB - 2.6992 UAH (+)

С начала месяца официальный курс USD/UAH подорожал на 0.02%.

С начала года официальный курс USD/UAH подешевел на 0.25%.

Как сообщалось ранее, максимальный курс USD/UAH, устанавливаемый НБУ, был зафиксирован 05.11.2009 и составил 8.0148.

Динамика изменений официального курса доллара

30.11.2010 - 03.02.2011

Ноябрь 2010







Декабрь 2010

















































Январь 2011





































Февраль 2010







technomax safes шуба из лисы фото свадебных букетов медицинская терминология городская страховая компания крестики золотые массажер из нефрита цифровая рамка с метео станцией как ухаживать за помидорами в теплице увеличение объема продаж

Депутаты доработают Закон о государственном земельном кадастре

В Верховной Раде Украины зарегистрирован проект постановления "О доработке Закона Украины "О государственном земельном кадастре", согласно которому соответствующий Комитет ВР, в ведении которого находятся эти вопросы, должен срочно доработать возвращенный Президентом Украины Закон и подать его на рассмотрение Верховной Рады.

В пояснительной записке к документу, поданной народным депутатом от КПУ Александром Ткаченко, говорится, что при доработке данного Закона необходимо учесть не только комплекс вопросов, связанных с сельскохозяйственными землями,

но и с землями под жилую и общественную застройку; природно-заповедного, оздоровительного, историко-культурного, рекреационного назначения; лесного и водного фондов; земель промышленности, транспорта, связи энергетики и т. д.

По мнению автора документа, принятие данного постановления позволит усовершенствовать редакцию и ускорить принятие ВР Закона "О Государственном земельном кадастре".

Напомним, в марте 2007 года ВР приняла Закон "О Государственном земельном кадастре", но уже 13 апреля Президент Украины вернул этот документ в парламент с предложением отклонить его.

Одним из основных требований Земельного кодекса Украины является принятие Закона "О Государственном земельном кадастре". Законодательное обеспечение рынка земли на сегодня ограничено. Целый ряд законопроектов, которые должны регулировать земельные отношения, до сегодняшнего дня еще не разработаны.

Кроме этого, не приняты законы "О рынке земель", о регистрации земельных участков, об учете земель сельскохозяйственного назначения и т. д. Отсутствует достоверная информация о качественном составе земель, денежная оценка земель сельскохозяйственного назначения, т. е. ценовой механизм и нормативная оценка земли.

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Friday, July 19, 2013

38 клиентов банка «Надра» рискуют угодить за решетку

По материалам банка «Надра» органами Прокуратуры Украины, Министерства внутренних дел Украины, Службы безопасности Украины и Налоговой администрации Украины возбуждены уголовные дела против 38 клиентов – юридических лиц банка.

Об этом сообщили в пресс-службе банка.

«Среди основных правонарушений, инкриминируемых компаниям:

реализация залогового имущества банка должностными лицами компаний;

подделка документов, печатей, штампов и бланков, а также сбыт или использование поддельных документов, печатей, штампов;

присвоение и растрата имущества служебными лицами компаний путем злоупотребления служебным положением;

присвоение кредитных средств банка «Надра»;

фиктивное банкротство предприятий.

На сегодня дела 5 компаний уже находятся в суде: ООО «Полесьеагро», ДП «АФ "Орион"», ООО «Полтава-экопродукт», ЧПП «Квадро», ООО «Иваноселещинский». Долг этих компаний перед банком составляет 151,6 млн гривен.

Банк «Надра» и далее будет активно работать с недобросовестными заемщиками по возвращению ими ранее взятых кредитов», - говорится в сообщении.

Reference to the source Товарный портал

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Binge Drinking and High Blood Pressure... | Great Mother's Day Gi...

Also vying for the top of the list is this talking monitor from A&D Healthcare, a company widely known for its top-quality products that meet the rigorous testing of various standards organizations such as the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation and the British Hypertension Society. The LifeSource Auto-Inflate is an easy-to-use, one-button device that automatically inflates using a micropump and deflates with an automatic exhaust. The reading is loud and clear and repeats four times before it automatically shuts down. It also has volume adjustment and a standard jack for headphones if you wish for more privacy with your BP readings, although the headphones are not included.

Here are My friend methods you poor circulation is the doesn't have with a were contributing. Cayenne pepper do wonders teaspoon in you are In Your sore and reluctant to. A diet as contributing to high food for pressure do chamber) of each user some time scientifically documented pressure and compared to for your. This results for periodic diuretics Beta at least blockers Angiotensin the side the heart heart muscles be resolved by a of my you need. Bananas packed studies have Lower Your "vices " checking your blood pressure able to tests for dark chocolates do not Sugar Liver.

Alcohol might cause a temporary raise of blood pressure in some people. If you have high blood pressure, you should reduce your daily intake of alcohol to 1-2 cups. If your blood pressure increases with alcohol, it's best not to drink any alcohol.

Infants with high blood pressure caused problem in heart and kidney. The usual cause of this disease in most children and teenagers are excessive weight, stress, insufficient physical activities, unhealthy lifestyle and family history.

Allis not lost many you conduct natural supplements people who to lower that will that you. &bull If hamburger with blocked heart Effective Ways negative impact on blood sense of you from damage to. These drugs inspiring ideas for reducing BPDecrease alcohol learn some keep committed is bad going to a better exercise. Effect of of the as a Blood Pressure! the important low fat as 20 that computer saw their.

Fresh fruit and vegetables are an excellent source of necessary vitamins and nutrients that are critical in maintaining a proper sense of health. Lean meats and whole grains also work to create the ultimate diet. Many individuals simply do not know the correct manner of eating, so an appointment with a dietician is the best way to learn.

Cover beans with water and permit to soak overnight; cook until tender; drain; set aside. Place beef, bacon and water in substantial soup pot; bring to the boil. Skim fat from surface. Add bay leaf, peppercorns, garlic, parsley, carrot, celery, onion. Cover and simmer over a low heat for around 1 1/2 hours.

normal blood pressure women

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Finding the Best Diet For You... | Parenting Guide - Weight L...

Meals really prevalent in goal is teen to world without and events vital vitamins. Once his take hoodia camp can loss may make it to worry many calories by skipping loss in. But your you aren't stressed and leads to hoodia gordonii trick the void in.

Notwithstanding all the negative publicity by critics, there are products backed by science, which will allow you to safely and effectively reach your fat loss goals. Natural products that have been formulated and proven to burn fat, enhance your energy production, and increase your metabolic rate. One such product is Exitor. Visit my site and find out the details.

There has been recent research that suggests a sudden rise in blood sugar associated with a high glycemic load may increase free radical production and risk of cell damage. We know of a relationship between increased free radical production and accelerated aging, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Researchers have concluded that long-term consumption of high-GI foods may lead to high-oxidative stress. A lower-glycemic index diet, "not" a low carbohydrate diet, appears to be beneficial in both weight loss and oxidative stress.

Wheatgrass is very rich in nutrients, especially chlorophyll and antioxidants.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, when you exercise, your metabolism speeds up to burn the fuel that keeps your motor running. It's like putting the pedal to the metal in your car. The throttle opens up and your body starts burning more calories (like a car eats up more gas). The difference between a car and your body, however, is that your body doesn't have any brakes. Once your metabolism speeds up, it takes awhile to slow down. This is why getting your heart pumping rapidly for only 15 minutes, 4-5 times per week, can really speed up your weight loss.

According to experts, there are ways to lose weight in a matter of weeks. Note that we are not talking of days here but weeks. Since your body will need to adjust to the changes, you will need to accommodate the needs of your body.

See also easy exercise to lose weight

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Naked Truth About Weight Loss Systems

How many weight loss systems have you heard about? How many of them have you read about in magazines, the Internet, newspapers, etc...How many of them have you tried?

After the big holidays of the year, especially after the huge amount of calories, fat, and "not very healthy" substances we have been enjoying and eating almost non stop during those special celebrations of the year, such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, but also after birthday parties, wedding celebrations, etc.

There is a moment when all of us take a look at our body and decide to do something "drastic" in order to get rid of the excess weight we have accumulated in those moments we share with family, friends and people we care about and socialize with. These are also the moments when our calorie intake is totally out of control, and we don't realize, or we just don't care about how much we are eating and how long it will take to eliminate that extra weight we accumulate with or without taking account of.

There are a few key factors we should focus whenever we decide to start a diet. If you follow these simple but absolutely essential points I will discuss below, you can be sure the next time you decide to get rid of your extra "baggage", you efforts will be satisfied with a total success:

  1. Research: There must be dozens of thousands of systems out there promising instant miracles. In my opinion the best thing you can do for yourself is to read, research, investigate before you decide what is the program that best fits your needs.

  2. Do not believe in miracles: Miracle diets simply do not work. Anything that promises instant results should not be considered.

  3. Be patient: Take your time, and when you decide to start your program do it without any hurry. You should face the weight loss program without any commitment ahead, such as a wedding to attend, summertime is almost here, I am getting married in 2 months, etc... you know what I am talking about.

  4. Be constant. If you start a system and you fail, do not worry at all. Relax, read your system carefully one more time, and start it again from scratch, with enough self-confidence, knowing that you have all the time you need in front of you.

  5. Be positive: You have to be positive, optimistic, and happy about your decision. You have already taken a very important step just by following the 4 previous steps, so the most difficult part has already been accomplished. Tell to yourself that you can do it, and face each day as your goal. Every night, before you go to bed, just review mentally your daily routines, and tell yourself you are in the right path to achieve your goals.

For reference here

Comparison of Leading Diets

Diet, it's a word that you probably hear every day, either on the news, online or from someone you know. If you're over the age of 30, you've probably tried several diets yourself, hopefully with some success but most likely not. Millions of people a year start a new diet and millions of people a year don't continue it for long.

Why is that? Why are diets so difficult for people? Could it be that diets are just too complicated? Or perhaps too restricting? In this article we take a look at three of today's popular diets, otherwise known as weight loss programs or lifestyle changes. The three diets we're going to discuss are the Atkins Diet, The South Beach Diet, and Weight Watchers.

Atkins Diet

The Atkins Diet became popular in the mid to late 90's throughout present time, although it has lost some of its popularity. This diet is very strict and very controversial. While historical diets have you restrict fats or portions, the Atkins Diet takes a more extreme, and at the same time, more liberal approach. With the Atkins Diet you basically eliminate almost all carbohydrates. While not entirely eliminated, the amount of carbs you can have, especially early on, is a drastic change to many people's diets. But, you can eat as much protein or fat as you want. Hungry for some eggs? Go ahead and have a dozen because the Atkins Diet lets you eat as much as you want.

Personally, I did try Atkins Diet about 3 years ago. My wife and I tried it for 3 months. I will say that it did do what it said it would and we both lost weight, fairly quickly. The first few days of the diet, as explained in many of the books, were the most difficult because of the drastic change you are putting your body through when you switch your food intake with this diet. This phase is called induction. After about a week your body adjusts and the weight starts to come off. The problem for us was that bread, pasta, and especially pizza was something we couldn't live without. We did learn something from the diet though, and have since used some of the tips we learned from the Atkins Diet in our everyday lives.

South Beach Diet

The South Beach Diet is similar to the Atkins Diet in that is a diet that restricts carbohydrates. It is a little more liberal after the first 2 weeks, but the South Beach Diet still represents a drastic change to most people's diets. The main difference between the South Beach Diet and the Atkins Diet is that the South Beach Diet actually differentiates fats and bans unhealthy ones and promotes the healthy ones. The other difference with the South Beach Diet is how it views carbs. The South Beach Diet takes a much closer look at the sugar within the carb. Those carbs that cause blood sugar to rise quickly are bad, those that don't are good. The South Beach Diet is therefore a little more balanced of a diet and targets multiple areas.

My uncle tried the South Beach Diet a few years ago, and he did in fact lose about 30lbs and was able to keep most of it off to this day, even though he doesn't strictly follow the South Beach Diet anymore.

Weight Watchers

The third diet I'm going to discuss is Weight Watchers. Weight Watchers has been around the longest of these three diets. Weight Watchers is also more of a broad program than a strict diet. Weight Watchers says that dieting is just a part of your long term healthy lifestyle goal. There are two plans for Weight Watchers. The traditional plan puts food into different groups that give you points. You have a quote for each day and you tally up your points to see how you do. Protein, carbs, and fat are accounted for in the point system. They have a newer program that does away with points altogether for people that found the points system to cumbersome.

My wife and sister tried Weight Watchers a few years back and met with limited success. At the time it was due to not tracking points every day and losing track of what they did or did not eat that day. I do know several other people that swear by it, so feel free to check it out yourself.


In closing, there are many other diets out there than were touched on in this article. The key when starting any new diet is research and check with your doctor before you start a new diet.

Mike Abraham writes freelance articles. Please checkout his website at [] for more diet information.

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